Strategic work

This action field aims to set up an effective strategy for implementation based on the Strategic Research Agenda, using synergies with related and complementary initiatives including relevant movements, agendas and policies in the field. The overall aim is to maximize impact, reduce overlap, and identify knowledge gaps and innovation potential.
The Description of Action for SUSFOOD2 foresees 2 review reports and 2 implementation plans for this action field.
Possible additional activities include: desk analysis, review reports, strategic workshops, recommendations, policy briefs.


This action field aims to foster research and innovation in the SUSFOOD area by direct support via public funding as well as follow-up on the projects.
The Description of Action for SUSFOOD2 foresees one co-funded call as well as the monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of the projects. Additional activities involve other funding actions for continuous support of the research community and involvement of stakeholders along the food chain. The funding actions might also touch new thematic areas that have not been exploited before within the scope of SUSFOOD. Collaboration with other related ERA-Nets in joint funding activities could be an effective option for alignment and efficient use of resources.
Possible activities: classic transnational call, joint call, other funding instruments (knowledge hub, summer school, training courses, mobility of researchers, workshops aiming at networking and knowledge exchange etc.), prizes, awards.

Communication & Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer

This action field includes promotion, communication and dissemination of information on project and network level. While the Description of Action focuses on C&D of the co-funded call projects as well as standard measures (website, newsletter, promotion material), additional activities should emphasize more targeted communication as well as outreach to different stakeholders and put spotlight on the common vision creating awareness.
Possible activities: communication measures, knowledge transfer measures, trainings, publications, visibility measures, events, awards and competitions.

Network and Connect

This action field is closely related to the C&D field, yet stresses the need for joint undertakings through networking. Collaboration with related initiatives (alignment) is aimed at, as well as the creation of connections and partnerships within and beyond Europe.
Possible activities: networking measures, connection to stakeholders, interaction with other initiatives, events, workshops, project seminars, partnering, bringing people/ideas together.