In total, SUSFOOD (2011-2014) and SUSFOOD2 (2017-2021) combined, have funded 44 research projects. In the SUSFOOD, the precedent of SUSFOOD2, 2 calls were launched, and in SUSFOOD2, 3 calls were launched which resulted in 44 research or research and innovation projects with a total of 277 partners. 


In 2013, a first Joint Call was launched where research project consortia could apply to three thematic call topics:

  1. Improving input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food products and food processing, manufacture, reducing input (energy, water etc.) in the food chain.
  2. Innovation in food processing technologies and food products to support a sustainable food chain.
  3. Understanding consumer behaviour to encourage a (more) sustainable food choice.

This resulted in 9 Full Proposals selected for funding, 3 from each topic. And given the opportunity to 71 project partners out of 13 different European countries to carry out their project work described in the submitted proposals. More information on these projects can be found here.


In 2014, a second Joint Call was launched, with following thematic call topics:

  1. Innovation in food processing technologies and food products to support a sustainable food chain.
  2. Improving input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food products and food processing, manufacture, reducing input (energy, water etc.) in the food chain.
  3. Interdisciplinary research approach to innovative food products and use of new raw materials for food products.

This call resulted in 6 Full Proposals selected for funding, 3 from topic 1, 1 from topic 2 and 2 from topic 3. 33 project partners out of 9 different European countries and two associated partners from other countries were invited to carry out their project work described in the submitted proposals. More information on these selected projects can be found here.


In 2017, the Cofunded call of SUSFOOD2 funded 12 research projects with the following thematic topics:

  1. Innovation in food processing technologies and products
  2. Providing added value, increased resource efficiency and reduction of waste in sustainable food systems
  3. Understanding consumer behaviour and food choices

This call resulted in 12 Full Proposals selected for funding, 6 from topic 1, 4 from topic 2 and 2 from topic 3. More info on the funded projects can be found here.


In 2019, a joint call together with ERA-NET CORE Organic was launched, with the following thematic call topics:

  1. Resource-efficient, circular and zero-waste food systems
  2. Diversity in food from field to plate
  3. Mild food processing
  4. Sustainable and smart packaging.

This call resulted in 12 Full Proposals selected for funding, 7 from topic 1, 2 from topic 2, 3 from topic 3 and 0 from topic 4. The network consists of 21 funding bodies from 18 countries/regions with initial funding commitments of around 9.5M EUR for transnational research.  More info on the funded projects can be found here


In 2021, a joint call on “Food Systems” together with ERA-NET FOSC was launched, with the following thematic call topics:

  1. Innovations to improve food systems sustainability, with a focus on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste
  2. Food Systems adaptation and resilience to system shocks

Five projects were selected out of 31 transnational research project proposals involving 195 researchers from 13 countries. The proposals were evaluated by international peer-reviewers following the criteria and procedure stated in the call announcement and evaluation guidelines. More information can be found here.