The ERA-Net SUSFOOD launched its second Joint Call for proposals in February 2014.

Research project consortia could apply to three call topics.

The call was organized in two sections, the section research in which project consortia constituted out of research organisations could apply and the section research and innovation in which project consortia including research organisations and industry (enterprises) could participate.

Out of 45 pre-proposals, 17 were invited to submit a full proposal. Finally, 6 full proposals were selected for funding.

More information on each of projects can be found by clicking the title.

Topic 1: Innovation in food processing technologies and food products to support a sustainable food chain.

Topic 2:  Improving input, waste and side flow strategies to increase resource efficiency and provide added value in food products and food processing, manufacture, reducing input (energy, water etc.) in the food chain.

Topic 3: Interdisciplinary research approach to innovative food products and use of new raw materials for food products.


Call document