Strengthen efforts to support research in the field of SUStainable FOOD production and consumption.
To maximize the contribution of research to the development of more sustainable, resilient and secure food systems, from production to consumption, by reinforcing the cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU Member and associated States. Read more
The governance structure consists of a decision making Governing board (GB) and an External Advisory Board (EAB)
The GB is composed of one representative per partner and is the highest decision-making body. The GB makes decisions based on a majority vote but always tries to reach a consensus first. The GB is supported by the Executive Committee (ExC).
The EAB helps to ensure coherence and continuity in the overall scientific and strategic steering of SUSFOOD2 and provides external points of view to bring maximum outcomes to the research community and the society. The EAB advises on the scientific strategy and implementation of the action. Read more