Governance structure of the SUSFOOD2 Cofund

The Coordinator

The Coordinator of the project is Project management Juelich, represented by Frank Hensgen and Nikola Hassan. The primary role of the coordinator is to represent the consortium towards the European Commission as well as to be in charge of the overall management of the project.

The Deputy Coordinator ILVO is supporting the Coordinator where necessary.


Governing Board (GB)

The GB is composed of one representative per partner and is be the highest decision-making body. The GB makes decisions based on a majority vote, but always first try to reach a consensus. The GB is supported by the Executive Committee (ExC) . The GB is responsible for:

* Surveying the development of SUSFOOD2 and guarantee the relevance of the whole process to the objectives for which it has been built (strategic orientation and implementation)

* Guiding and supervising the work done by the coordinator

* Deciding on the implementation (e.g. precise timeline) of additional activities

The Governing Board meets regularly, to ensure that they stay up to date and have a strong involvement in the additional activities.


Executive Commitee (ExC)

The ExC is composed of the WP Leaders and Deputy WP Leaders and is chaired by the Coordinator. Task Leaders can be called to join the ExC if necessary. Each WP Leader is responsible for the organisation of the tasks within the work package, the assignment of resources, monitoring and delivery of the results and deliverables associated to the work package together with the Task Leaders. The role of the ExC is to ensure the efficient and timely implementation of the whole work plan from the launch of the co-funded call to the final payment, guarantee close coordination of the different activities and facilitate the communication between the different partners and tasks. The ExC will implement the decisions taken by the GB.


Call Group (CG)

The CG is made up of those SUSFOOD2 partners who are involved in a call/joint funding activity including the funders, associated funding organisations not eligible for co-funding by the EC and partners involved in organising and implementing the call/joint funding activity. The CG reports to the group of concerned GB members.

The CG is responsible for:

* Carrying out eligibility assessment of project applications

* Deciding on the composition of the international expert panel for evaluation of project applications

* Selecting projects to be funded in the frame of the co-funded call and additional calls

* Overseeing the monitoring and evaluation of the funded projects


Call Office

The SUSFOOD2 Call Office serves as contact point along the whole call duration including preparation, launch and evaluation process. It will offer support to several involved actors such as the funders, national contact persons and the applicants acting as classical call secretariat for the co-funded call and for further joint calls without EU funding in the frame of SUSFOOD2. During the evaluation process the Call Office will also serve as contact point for the evaluators.


Monitoring Group

The Monitoring Group has the task to monitor the funded projects based on the identified indicators and procedures. The Monitoring Group follows the projects during their lifespan and offers support, referring to best practice.  


International Evaluation Committee (IEC)

The IEC is composed of a number of international experts. Their task is to review the proposals that apply to a SUSFOOD2 call. The Chair of the IEC is nominated by the CG. An IEC meeting will be held to review the analysis of the reviewers and to agree to a consensus on the evaluation of each full proposal for each call. The committee will rank all the proposals in order of merit.


External Advisory Board (EAB)

The EAB helps to ensure coherence and continuity in the overall scientific and strategic steering of SUSFOOD2 and provides external points of view to bring maximum outcomes to the research community and the society. The EAB advises on the scientific strategy and implementation of the action. The EAB is involved by different means according to the nature of advice and support needed i.e. via online consultation, in strategic workshops or discussion sessions etc. The EAB is also invited to status seminars or networking events of SUSFOOD2 .


Acronym Organization Link


European Food Information Council


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations




National Food Technology Platforms


Joint Programming Initiative on

Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change


Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’


Joint Programming Initiative ‘Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans”

ETP Food for Life

European Technology Platform “Food for Life“

ETP Organics

European Technology Platform Organics

SCAR SWG Food Systems

Standing Committee on Agricultural Research Strategic Working Group  “Food Systems”


European Institute of Innovation & Technology „Food“


Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area

  Food Force Network


Joint Research Center - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements

Former ERA-Net Platform (Former ERA-Net)