Joint Call 2021 on “Food Systems”
Five projects are selected for funding
We are happy to announce that five projects from the 2021 joint call of FOSC and SUSFOOD2 have been nominated for funding! The five projects were selected out of 31 transnational research project proposals involving 195 researchers from 13 countries. The proposals were evaluated by international peer-reviewers following the criteria and procedure stated in the call announcement and evaluation guidelines.
The joint call “Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems” closed on August 16th. Out of the five selected projects four projects contribute to the first topic of the joint call: “Innovations to improve food systems sustainability, with a focus on increasing resource efficiency and reducing waste.” One selected project contributes to the second topic of the joint call: “Food Systems adaptation and resilience to system shocks.” The projects start between December 2021 and April 2022.
MedAgriFoodResilience, Socio-environmental shocks assessment and resilience empowerment in Mediterranean agri-food heritage systems: Italy, Morocco, Algeria FAO GIAHS sites.
Involved countries: Italy, Morocco and Algeria.
IPSUS, Climate smart food innovation using plant and seaweed proteins from upcycled sources.
Involved countries: United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Romania and France.
SmartDairy, Climate-smart Dairy: Assessing Challenges, Innovations, and Solutions.
Involved countries: Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy and Finland.
AlgaeBrew, Unlocking the potential of microalgae for the valorisation of brewery waste products into omega-3 rich animal feed and fertilisers.
Involved countries: Ireland, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Belgium, United Kingdom and Romania.
Olive3P, Innovative sustainable food system for olive oil production converting solid and liquid by-products into edible yeast and biopesticide.
Involved countries: Algeria, Morocco and Turkey
- ERA-NETs SUSFOOD2 and FOSC Joint Call 2021 “Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems” organised a webinar for interested applicants on June 2, 2021. Below you can find the call document, presentation slides and the frequently asked questions.
Joint Call 2021 Webinar for applicants
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of the Call webinar
- SUSFOOD2/FOSC joint call for research projects organised a webinar dedicated to the subject of a systems approach. This webinar included a short presentation of some tips to thinking about defining research questions in the context of a bigger picture of a “system”. Short vignettes of looking at a “system” from multiple perspectives will be shared and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Joint Call 2021 Webinar on systems approach