"New solutions for innovative and sustainable food packaging"
Main goal: Offering knowledge and capacity building to projects partners supported by SUSFOOD2 in the field of food packaging.
Summary of the event
Organisation of a webinar about “New solutions for innovative and sustainable food packaging” the 2nd of December 2020 (2 hours) and targeting in priority coordinators and partners of projects funded by SUSFOOD2 and for part of them co-funded also by CORE Organic (total 24 projects were targeted).
Through the presentation of MyPack EU running project coordinated by ACTIA and illustrated by different successful applications in the packaging sector, this webinar allowed to the participants to get an overview of potential solutions responding to the specification of the products and services studied in their project.
MyPack introduced various solutions of packaging (biofilms, Blow®technology) with different potential applications as well as studies results on sustainable packaging definition and features and consumers expectations.
At the end, a fruitful and interactive debate allowed the audience (36 participants) to get information about potential solutions responding to their needs and expectations.
Contact: Christophe Cotillon, coordinator of MyPack and partner of SUSFOOD2