The SUSFOOD ERA-NET was build on and accelerated the work of the SCAR Collaborative Working Group that was launched in Denmark in 2010.
A first network SUSFOOD was initiated under FP7 and ran from 2011 until 2014. This predecessor of the current network SUSFOOD2 under H2020, had some major achievements, such as 2 research calls, one in 2013 and one in 2014, funding in total 15 projects, a strategic research agenda (SRA) and a metaknowledge base (MKB) which generated the SUSFOOD Country report.
After this succesfull edition, 26 partners applied for a H2020 SUSFOOD2 Cofunded which was granted and started in 2017. A first action of this Cofund was a 3rd call in which 12 research projects were funded.