We are excited to announce the participation of the MILDSUSFRUIT project in the MACFRUT 2024 fair, taking place in Rimini during the first week of May 2024.

Event Details:

Date: May 1-3, 2024

Location: Rimini, Italy

Fair Website: MACFRUT 2024

What to Expect at MILDSUSFRUIT Stand:

Visit the MILDSUSFRUIT stand to discover the future of sustainable fruit cultivation. Engage with experts, explore innovative technologies, and get a firsthand look at how we are revolutionizing the fruit industry.

Exclusive Workshop: "Sustainable Fruit Cultivation Demystified”.

Join MILDSUSFRUIT for an immersive workshop at a dedicated area within MACFRUT 2024. Learn about eco-friendly farming practices, cutting-edge technologies, and the journey towards cultivating mild and sustainable fruits. This workshop is a unique opportunity to gain insights from industry leaders, ask questions, and be part of the sustainability movement.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be a part of the MILDSUSFRUIT experience at MACFRUT 2024. Join in Rimini for a fruitful celebration of innovation, sustainability, and the love for mild fruits!


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