Implementation Workshop October 2018

More than 30 partners and members of the External Advisory Board gathered on 26 October in Stockholm. Aim of the workshop was to discuss which activities to follow during the next years in SUSFOOD2 with a focus on the period 2019 -mid 2020 (1.5 years). Activities should have relevance, bring added value and be feasible.

The workshop focused on actions within 4 defined action fields: Strategic work, Funding activities, Communication, Dissemination and Knowledge Exchange as well as Networking activities.

During an interactive session, participants could share and discuss ideas and also give their preferences during a voting. Examples of some ideas with high voting include “Thematic meetings/ forums”, “Funding the creation of platforms”, “Knowledge transfer from Research to Industry” or “International outreach”, among others.

The workshop in Stockholm adds to and follows up on various ideas gathered during previous discussions and analysis (workshop in Madrid Dec 2017, Strategic Review Report on the SRA). The outputs of those exercises led to an Implementation plan for SUSFOOD2 summarizing activities for the next 1.5 years ahead (under revision by the GB and EAB).

The workshop was complemented by two overview presentations. Hendrik De Ruyck (ILVO) explained the approach towards impact assessment for SUSFOOD2 . A thematic keynote speech was given by Cecilie Mathiesen (RCN) on implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aspects into ERA-Nets.